Distance Learning Problems and Methods to Solve Them

The need and benefits of E-learning cannot be denied. But in reality, both students and teachers face serious difficulties that hinder successful learning. Next, we’ll look at the six most common problems and give you tips on how to solve them.

Problem 1: Difficulty Adapting to an Online Format

With the transition from traditional classroom learning to online learning, the learning experience is completely different. If you anticipate passive listening and taking notes in a regular classroom, action is required for virtual discussions, working with personal accounts, and various multimedia formats. Students with a “traditional” mindset find it tough to adapt to such changes.

Guidelines for Teachers: Tell students in advance what to expect from the online format and explain the amount of material they need to learn, the content of the class, and the average class length.

Send links to resources that can help you find support and relieve emotional stress, such as Counseling hotlines and websites practicing various meditation and breathing techniques. Encourage students to share tips and strategies for adapting to distance learning.

Student Suggestions: First and foremost, you need to be open and open to accept new situations. If you experience resistance, admit it and do not blame yourself. Remember that the changes are unpleasant. Next, we need to focus on the benefits of E-learning. You don’t have to spend time and money moving to a learning place. You may choose the time of the lesson individually. The home environment is less stressful. Distance learning offers the opportunity to learn new skills.

Problem 2: Poor Computer Skills

Lack of computer literacy is a severe problem in the modern world that affects both students and teachers. Many people still don’t know how to work with a personal computer (PC) or a standard Office application such as MS Word or PowerPoint. Even experienced teachers and students can be misunderstood about distance learning tools such as online education platforms, video conference systems, and various applications related to communication and display of materials. Still, technical skills are essential to the success of distance learning.

Guidelines for Teachers: Institutions should provide teachers and students with the resources and resources they need to improve computer literacy. For example, you can create the appropriate library for your video tutorial. Such educational offers should always be available, not just in the case of force calamity. If online learning tools are too complicated, no one wants to use them. Therefore, choose a powerful yet easy-to-use educational platform that users of all skill levels can understand.

Student Suggestions: Basic computer courses are always a good idea. Basic knowledge of PCs and applications allows you to attend stressful and time-consuming online courses.

Problem 3: Technical Problems

Technical issues often hinder online learning. Educational platforms can have compatibility issues with operating systems, browsers, or smartphones, and slow internet connections can lead to missing online courses or the inability to download video-formatted lessons. There is sex. All of this increases student frustration and reduces their involvement in the learning process.

Guidelines for Teachers: Post assignments and conduct online courses on an educational platform that can be connected from a variety of devices (computers, tablets, smartphones). Create stand-alone chat rooms, forums, social media groups, or websites with simple, comprehensive help and FAQs available to students on technical issues. Identify the consultant responsible for the technical issue and set up a separate email inbox for inquiries.

Student Suggestions: Distance learning requires a modern computer and a reliable internet connection. Find a phone number for technical support using the services of a provider that can provide high-speed internet. You can contact us in case of failure. If you have a technical problem with the online platform on which the lesson is taking place, do not hesitate to get in touch with your instructor. If you receive an error message, take a screenshot. Also, do not wait until the final minute to do your homework. Please allow enough time so that you do not miss the deadline due to technical problems.

Problem 4: I don’t understand the basics of time management

The freedom provided by the online learning format often puts awakening to sleep and creates an endless false sense of time. Distance learning imposes higher demands on discipline and self-organization than offline counterparts, but this understanding is not yet fully developed. Incorrect time management can lead to serious curriculum delays and can cause great stress.

Recommendation for Everyone:  Proper time management is a necessary skill for online learning. Here are some of the guidelines to help you organize your time properly:

  • Set a specific time for the class. Instead of attempting to adapt online learning to your life, do the opposite: organize your daily activities around the classroom. Establish a fixed schedule with a time frame dedicated to attending courses and watching online tutorials.
  • Create a to-do list for the day. Try to improve your learning outcomes by dividing large tasks into smaller tasks. Stick to your list, and don’t forget to take a break. 
  • Avoid distractions. If you tend to spend plenty of time on social networks, use a special application to block for some time.
  • Avoid multitasking. Work efficiency and overall productivity are reduced. Focus on performing one task at one time and start with the most difficult task. In addition, many scheduling services allow you to set task reminders. This is very useful for the learning process.

Problem 5: Poor Self-Motivation

Lack of motivation is a typical problem for all types of learners. The online format demands a lot of discipline and dedication to complete tasks independently, stay motivated, and make progress. If students are not surrounded by classmates and are not physically controlled by the teacher, they will want to postpone learning.

Guidelines for Teachers: Set specific and achievable goals for students, so they don’t get lost. Use praise and rewards as a motive. For example, you can create a virtual spreadsheet to tag students who are responsible for learning online or send funny videos, GIFs, and photos individually to give positive feedback. Even the most ambitious and inspiring students can lose interest without the teacher’s enthusiasm. Therefore, your main goal is to show your passion for the subject. Inspire students: Give interesting lectures, create emotional and inspiring discussions, and connect subject matter with reality. Stay in touch with your parents: let them know what your child has to do and when they need your help.

Learner Tips: If you want to be motivated and successful in distance learning, follow these tips:

  • Please login. Log in to the learning platform daily to view assignments and chat discussions. Chat with educators and other students, share ideas, ask questions, and ask for help as needed.
  • Practice positive self-talk. Repeat the affirmations that affirm life. Over time, they will take root in their heads and bear fruit in the form of stable self-confidence. Remember that success is completely up to you.
  • Reward yourself for the work you do well. Did you master the next history lesson? Did you write a term paper for five people? Splendid! Celebrate whatever you feel like a winner. Rewards keep you motivated.

Write down your short & long-term goals and take notes on how to achieve them. Talk to your loved ones about your motivational issues and ask for help, for example, in a way that reminds you of your responsibilities regularly.

Our online learning program can also solve motivational problems by setting goals and teaching you to deal with laziness and procrastination. You will learn how to learn faster, more efficiently, and more enthusiastically using a variety of mind activation techniques.

Problem 6: Lack of Social Interaction

During class, students have the opportunity to communicate directly with each other and with their teachers. Respond quickly, exchange experiences, make jokes, establish nonverbal contact, and strengthen social skills. For many, communicating with like-minded people is a crucial ritual that they withhold when switching to distance learning. Without friends, classroom noise, and direct contact with the educator, distance educators can feel isolated. This psychological factor negatively impacts motivation and academic performance.

Suggestions for trainers: Create blogs or group chats to encourage students to communicate, ask questions, help each other, and discuss topics so that students can overcome the feeling of isolation. The following strategies can help to create a sense of community in an online environment.

  • Take time to talk to students about distractions.
  • Make communication personal. Talk to everyone by name and maintain a warm and friendly tone.
  •  Hold weekly video conferences where students can share aspects of their personal lives and activities.
  • Create a task to work in pairs or groups.
  • Post a short welcome video message to your online learning platform each day to explain your learning goals for the day.

Show students that they can communicate. Ask everyone how they can help their students, tell them how they are dealing with the current situation, and kindly evaluate the assignment.

Student Recommendations: Actively participate in online communication with other students and exchange information and opinions. If you can’t cope with feelings of loneliness or isolation and have a hard time sharing feelings, try creative self-expression. Express unproductive emotions.

The world is changing. Distance learning is very different from traditional ones and causes certain problems. But they are overcome. You need to stop resisting new things, change your attitude towards online formats, and acquire additional technical skills. E-learning opens the door to cheaper possibilities. Learn how to use gadgets, be flexible, take knowledge and learn the most important new standards, not just for fun. Friends, believe that when you run into trouble, you can handle it. Focusing on your goals is a great way to get going and get what you want. Please do your best!

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