• Leadership Skills: Cultivate Your Leadership Style and Build High-Performing Teams for Organizational Success.

  • Effective Team Management: It helps you build a shared understanding within a team about what is working well, areas in need of improvement and areas of opportunity.

  • Transactional Analysis: Transactional analysis (TA) is a psychoanalytic theory and method of therapy wherein social interactions (or “transactions”) are analyzed to determine the ego state of the communicator (whether parent-like, childlike or adult-like) as a basis for understanding behaviour.

  • Interpersonal Skills: It gives the skills that are needed to build and foster empowering relationships. Keeping positive interpersonal relations with colleagues ensures that an environment of productivity and success at work is created.

  • Goal Setting: This exercise brings clarity, direction and purpose. It’s a bonding exercise for your team and gives them a clear picture of your group priorities.

  • Negotiation Skills: To achieve your ideal outcome at the bargaining table, it’s essential to clearly communicate what you’re hoping to walk away with and where your boundaries lie.

  • Emotional Intelligence: It teaches critical skills for personal and professional success.

  • Customer Service: It refers to teaching employees the knowledge, skills, and competencies required to increase customer satisfaction.

  • Selling Skills: focuses on the skills needed to sell effectively in today’s business environment, such as varying your selling style for different customers and highlighting value rather than price.

  • Managing Conflicts: Training activity that focuses on improving an individual’s skills as a leader and manager. There may be an emphasis on soft skills, such as communication and empathy, which enable better teamwork and more progressive relationships with the people they manage.

  • Vocal & Verbal Communication: This includes voice qualities such as intonation, volume, pace, and accent interference. Visual: This includes body language, as well as setting and context.

  • Interview Skills: This activity uses both role-played and observed mock interviews to help students explore how large organizations recruit, behave well at interviews, and practice explaining how they can demonstrate important skills and qualities.

  • Time & Stress management: The connection between time and stress management is learning how to manage your time properly to be more productive to avoid feeling stressed. If you know how to manage your time correctly, in the long run, tasks seem to be easier and stress-free. 

  • Body Language: elements you need to boost your communication success.

  • Buisness, General and Dining Etiquette: It can be critical to career and job search success. Employers want to observe your conduct during meals and social situations, particularly for jobs requiring a certain demeanour with clients and superiors. Your table manners and behaviour are an opportunity to make a good impression.

  • Art & Science of Creating the First Impression: It takes just a quick glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, another person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanour, your mannerisms, and how you are dressed.

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