5 Common Uses Of Technology In The Classroom

5 Common Uses Of Technology In The Classroom

Using technology to improve learning is an incredibly exciting idea, and as an area of education is growing fast. 

Mixed learning, mobile learning, and other progressively popular ideas all owe their existence to technology. However, the reality is that the majority of public schools in the United States are less than the forefront. In contrast, there is little data available to pinpoint precisely what is being done where five of the more typical applications of technology in the classroom appear below. 

The unfortunate reality here is that in place of significant progress in how technology is utilized in the learning procedure, enormous work stays to make a superior job understanding how these tools can function to build the depth of knowledge, learning curiosity, and critical thinking skills. 

Below we take a gander at five of the most common uses of technology in the classroom. 

5 Common Uses Of Technology In The Classroom

  1. Social Media And Digital Learning Tools

Websites and social media permit students to research and teachers to share-not only lesson plans, but digital assets, assessment data, and even the entire group, away-from-school communication. Podcasts, multimedia such as music and videos, and other digital tools can be accessed here as well. 

  1. Reading Programs

Reading levels are checked through computer-based reading programs. 

Readers, typically struggling reader, can often make considerable gains in reading levels consistently. If we need to improve reading levels, going through a portion of our money to create technology to help there could be valuable. 

  1. Computer-Based Testing

Computer-based standardized tests from third-party vendors help are allowed during the year to predict performance on the end-of-the-year state test.

  1. Calculators, Smartboards, And Clickers

In the classroom, teachers are utilizing calculators and smartboards and clickers not just to engage students, however, to offer more diverse platforms for students to work with new ideas and demonstrate understanding. A large number of these tools additionally allow the teacher to accumulate data in real-time, which not only saves time but more critically offers the student prompt feedback that is often simpler for them to interpret than sometimes indistinct teacher feedback. 

  1. Learning Management Systems

The definition of a learning management system(LMS) has changed throughout the years as the function and elegance of these systems have changed. Today, the most common learning management system in K-12 study halls is likely Google Classroom. 

Google Classroom and even iPads and even student smartphones have the potential to make information and resources immediately accessible to students. While that was consistently the case with textbooks, technology makes this information more effectively available, more extravagant with multimedia, and potentially social beyond the classroom.

To continue to take advantage of this technology in the classroom, curriculum, assessment, and instruction should all be designed to work closely with a continually evolving learning management system–something that takes constant iteration, training, and funding to do.

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