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How to Avoid Exam Stress - Eduroutes

How to Avoid Exam Stress

We don’t go through the best of times in our lives, taking exams. Most of us are stressed not only before the exam but also during and after the exam. The nervous tension that is common when preparing for an exam leads to constant fear and tension. A slight fear of future exams can be motivating, but prolonged exposure to psychological stress can worsen exam scores. Here are some tips for overcoming the stress of the exam.


Start preparing for the exam promptly. Make sure the curriculum takes enough time. Experienced students in the exam claim that exam preparation time is more effective than the start of the course.


Don’t be distracted and avoid unnecessary communication. People around you (especially pessimistic people) are the main distractions. If someone enters the room you are studying for the exam; you will probably be drawn into the conversation. Preparing for the exam at the library will help you stay calm and focused.

Teaching Materials

Please participate in the lecture. Don’t miss the course as you will spend more time preparing for the exam. Last week’s topics that you may not need to learn after attending a lecture are also very important.

This is often the basis of most exams, so use the lecture materials recorded in your notes to improve your work. If you wait until the day before the exam, the synopsis will be very difficult to use. Read the notes immediately after the lecture and read them again in the evening of the same day. Then check out the lecture materials you heard that weekend. By repeating it, you can master the materials and prepare for the arrival of the exam session.


Discuss and discuss problem areas and questions with classmates who are digging into the topic. That way, the arrival of the exam will not put you in a stressful situation.

Healthy Sleep

Get as much sleep as your body needs. Remembering a lot of information and learning complex materials with less than 6 hours of sleep a day is a direct route to stress. Sports 

exercise. Wellness running, jumping, and stretching for 15-20 minutes a day relieves stress and ensures mental activity.


Take a break before the exam. The next exam will be energetic, so you need to take a good break. Don’t lose your joy. Listen to your positive attitude and stay calm.


Please be careful before the exam. Get plenty of sleep, eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and take breaks from time to time to avoid having to rely on sugar or caffeine for testing.