The Impact of Family Involvement on Academic Achievements

The Impact of Family Involvement on Academic Achievements

Firstly, education begins at home. What is the most authentic predictor of academic achievement? It is not socioeconomic status, nor the school a child attends. The best predictors of student’s academic success is the extent to which families inspire learning at home and their involvement in the child’s learning. When parents are involved in the school lives of their children, students have the home assistance and knowledge to complete their assignments. Also, they have a life long love for learning. Teachers who focus on parent’s involvement see a drastic change in their classroom. Moreover, Encouraging parent engagement is one of the best ways to create a positive learning environment for every student.


Parent Involvement

According to experts, the meaning of parent engagement is parents and teachers sharing the responsibility to help their children in learning and meeting the academic goals. Most importantly, parents involve in their children academic life when teacher involves parents through meetings and events in school. After that, parents give their best to support their children at home. In this way, parents commit to prioritizing their child’s education. Parent’s engagement and parents involved are different, though both are equally important. Parent involvement is the first step to parent’s participation. Parent involvement occurs when parents participate in school events and activities, and teachers provide the learning information about their students. On the other hand, in parent involvement, the teacher takes the primary responsibility to set educational goals. Moreover, they relate to parents not as a partner but as an advisor who helps them for academic support to their child.

After the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaced No Child Left Behind (NCLB), our focus as instructors changed from parent involvement to parent engagement.


Parent Engagement helps in student’s success.

Across different studies on parental engagement, educational researchers found a connection between parent involvement and academic success. Also, when the parents are engaged in the academics of their children, then it is more effective to raise the student’s performance.

Moreover, Chronic absenteeism problem or missing for more than twenty days in a school year also decreases due to parents engagement. Apart from students, parents and teachers are also get benefit from family engagement. Teachers can prepare parents to help their children with homework and assignments. And, with the participation of parents, teacher’s morale also increases. Everyone wins when the parents and the teacher’s team-up.

It is never too late to team up parent-teacher communication in school. The sooner you do, the more implemented your students will be to reach academic success.

Also, read: Correlation between Parents Involvement and Student success.

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